COVID 19 Safety Plan

COVID 19 Safety Plan

COVID-19 Safety Plan for Kavanagh Limo Service

1.Assess the risk at our workplace

We at Kavanagh Limo Service, assess our workplaces in order to identify places where the risk of transmission is introduced.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads through droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, or from touching a contaminated surface before touching the face.

  • We identify that the people congregate in the passengers compartment of the limousines.
  • The driver gets in contact with the passengers when they get in and out of the limo.
  • The surfaces touched often by passengers are doorknobs, car hand holders, seat belts, seats, door handles, CD Player buttons, lights and AC switches.
  • The drivers are touching the: car key, pre-trip inspection reports, steering wheel, doorknobs, seat belts, seats, door handles and other limousines buttons.

2. Implement measures to reduce the risk

Kavanagh Limo Service select and put measures in place to minimize the risk of transmission trough:

Maintaining physical distance

We recommend to our customers to reduce the number of people in order to maintain a distance of 2 metres (6 feet) between passengers.Drivers must avoid physical contact with passengers.

  • We eliminate the use of the front passenger seat.
  • Drivers should maintain a distance of two metres when serving the customers.
  • Drivers have to keep the partition close between chauffeur and passengers compartments all the time.
  • When the physical distance cannot be respected due to the number of passengers, the driver should encourage the passengers to use of non-medical masks, understanding that these have limitations.

Cleaning and hygiene

Kavanagh Limousine company is providing drivers with an adequate supply of hand sanitizers, masks, gloves and alcohol-based disinfectant wipes.

The drivers:

  • must wash their hands as often as possible.
  • have to make sure that there are tissues and wipes within reach of passengers.
  • Have to make sure that there are hand sanitizers for passengers to use at the start of the ride.
  • will use hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes after handling cash or cards.
  • will advise passengers of basic hygiene etiquette.
  • they will offer masks for the people that don’t have
  • will ensure that seats, seat belts, door handles, CD Player buttons, lights and AC switches, windows and any other places that passengers might touch are wiped down before each ride.
  • will remove any unnecessary tools or equipment that may elevate the risk of transmission of Covid -19

3. Develop policies for Kavanagh Limo Service

  • The workers showing symptoms of COVID-19 are prohibited from the workplace.
  • The customers showing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be taken in our vehicles.
This apply to:
  • Anyone who has had symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days. Symptoms include fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and new muscle aches or headache.
  • Anyone directed by Public Health to self-isolate.
  • We are not taking in this time passengers that arrive from outside of Canada.
  • Visitors are prohibited or limited in the workplace.
  • Sick workers should report to first aid, even with mild symptoms.
  • Sick workers must go straight home. [Consult the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool, or call 811 for further guidance.
  • If the worker is severely ill (e.g., difficulty breathing, chest pain) they must call 911.
  • We will clean and disinfect any surfaces that the ill worker has come into contact with.

4. Develop communication plans and training

Kavanagh Limousines ensure that everyone entering the workplace, including workers from other employers, knows how to keep themselves safe while at the workplace.

We have a training plan to ensure everyone is trained in workplace policies and procedures.

All workers have received the policies for staying home when sick.

5. Monitoring our workplace and update your plans as necessary

If the things change we will take all necessary steps to update policies and procedures. We involve all our drivers in this process.

We will make changes to our policies and procedures as necessary.

6. Assess and address risks from resuming operations

Since we do not have not been operating for a period of time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we manage risks arising from restarting our business.

We are training our drivers regarding with the new rules or responsibilities

We have reviewed the start-up requirements for our vehicles that have been out of use.

Kavanagh Limo has identified a safe process for clearing our limousines and protecting our drivers and our customers.